Is XBID similar to a financial market?
Let us consider the picture. There it is represented the trades regarding all the Italian XBID markets for the hour 15 of 10-Aug-2022. Any party can submit offers from 15:30 of 09-Aug-2022 up to 14:00 of 10-Aug-2022.
Any single diagram was taken from the GME website. On the horizontal axis are represented the trades timestamps; on the vertical axis are represented the prices of the transactions; any single circle represents a trade among two parties and the size of the circle represents the volume of energy traded.
From a particular point of view, the activities on XBID are similar to short sales and short purchases, because many producers and consumers can’t guarantee to sell or buy a given quantity of energy. Further, it is possible for an operator to buy and sell the same MWh more than one time, gaining some money without any exchange of energy.
At this point, probably we can say that any single hour on XBID is very similar to a market where can be exchanged futures on a commodity.