On interfacing mathematical models
Writing mathematical models, one frequent issue is how to integrate with an external system. Further, mathematical models are generally very different each other. For example, whilst the optimization of a gas portfolio takes in considerations the structure of supply contracts, the electricity day-ahead auction considers the set of bids and ask orders.
Writing a custom interface for any new mathematical model is a very annoying activity, prone to possible error and extra development cost: design, develop, test and maintain.
For this reason, PowerSchedO’s infrastructure provides an abstraction layer called “data model”, specifically designed to resolve the interface of any mathematical model with any possible caller.
For example, any input and output have a hierarchical structure, with referential integrity constraints, and time series as an elementary data type. Data persistency support many formats such as Excel, CSV files and relational databases.
The two images below show modus, i.e. the stand-alone interface of PowerSchedO, opening an optimization model and a forecast model. Feel free to contact me for more information.