The Optimization Manifesto
This Manifesto is intended to provide some easy and simple principles to write effective software solutions based on mathematical optimization and operational research.
The Manifesto has a website available at this links, where you can leave your sign.
Principle 1
The customer has a problem to solve. That’s why he is paying you. Maximize their return over the investment.
Principle 2
Your main objective is to serve real value to the customer instead of writing another article. Don’t take unreal assumptions.
Principle 3
The customer has the right to mistake and you have the duty to help them find the errors on data. Don’t assume the data are all correct.
Principle 4
Work with the customer throughout the process, from drafting to modelling to implementation. Apply an agile development approach. Iterate as necessary.
Principle 5
Design with your customer the numerical tests that will validate your solution. The tests should be agreed at the coffee table, even before that you have written a single row of model or code.